Interview Guide

Interview Guide

Interview Guide

面试也适用于全职工作和实习机会 service, graduate/professional school and fellowship opportunities. They are perhaps the most significant part of the evaluation process. 

Your Goals

  • Showcase your skills and qualifications

  • 通过具体的过去的例子来证明你是这个职位的合适人选 experiences and/or your values and mission

  • Determine if the position/organization are a good fit for you

The Interviewer’s Goals:

  • If you have the skills to do the job

  • If you are motivated to do the job

  • If you are a fit with the organization’s culture

Steps on how to prepare (more on this later)

  1. Know yourself and your qualifications

  2. Analyze the position and know the responsibilities

  3. Research the organization and industry

  4. Practice your responses to common questions

Types of Interviews: 

Resume/Traditional: This form of interviewing goes through your resume. Questions are about your education, prior work experience, and activities. It is very straightforward. Be ready with examples. 

Behavioral Interviewing (Most Common): 基于预测未来行为的最佳方式是根据过去的行为这一原则, 行为问题通常以“告诉我一个关于……的时间”或“给我…… 你应该使用下面的STAR技巧来描述如何做 your specific experiences relate to the job. 

Analytical: 分析性面试评估应聘者分析问题、提问的能力 并提出可能的解决方案,他们专注于确定候选人的想法.

Situational: 一些公司,尤其是咨询、金融或科技公司,并不担心 除了你的经验,还有你解决复杂问题的能力 reach logical conclusions. The emphasis here is on your thought process; there is not necessarily a right or wrong answer. 

Technical: Companies in financial services, accountancy, technology, engineering or science may ask questions related to academic coursework or concepts (e.g. programming skills) and/or industry knowledge. 

What to research beforehand: 

For-Profit Organizations 

Annual reports

Letter to shareholders

Company history and mission

Company leaders

Organizational structure

Products/line of business

Primary location

Stock price/trends; PE ratio

Annual revenue


News Articles/Recent Announcements 

Industry Knowledge 

Industry background


Relative size in industry market

Industry trends and facts

Industry jargon

资源:ReferenceUSA, IBISWorld, Business Insights Essentials, Business Source Complete, Mergent Online

Nonprofit Organizations

Organization Knowledge

Mission and services

Populations served

How the organization refers to its constituents

Executive Director, CEO or President on all levels

Income and assets; sources of funding and percentage or each to overall funds

Local, regional, national and world aspects of the organization

Size of local and/or national organization

Volunteer structure and size

Board of Directors

Partnerships with community, other agencies and organizations, corporations

Initiatives, achievements, and impact measures from the Annual report. 

Sector Knowledge 

Current size, numbers served, number or employees within the nonprofit sector

Sector trends and current economic state

资料来源:理想主义者,全国非营利组织委员会,GuideStarr,美国国家非营利组织中心 Charitable Statistics, Nonprofit Career Core Competencies.

Government Agency

Organizational Knowledge

Public service mission

Top positions titles and names in agency

Level of government at which the agency functions (city, state, federal)

Branch of government

Size and jurisdiction of office and parent agency

Recruiting terminology

Political appointments, elected and hired positions within the agency

Partnerships with nonprofit organizations

Contracts and business relationships with for-profit organizations

Relationships of government agencies to other government departments or agencies.

资料来源:美国政府部门和机构索引,《云顶集团》公共部门 职业,政府行政新闻,GoGovernment,联邦政府最佳工作场所 Government.

Common Interview Questions

Resume-Based/Qualification Behavioral

  1. Why are you interested in our organization? Industry?
  2. What work experience has been the most valuable to you and why?
  3. 你为什么选择云顶集团?你是如何选择的 major(s)?
  4. How do you think you have changed personally in the past (five) years?
  5. What challenges are you looking for in a position?
  6. What three trends do you see in the future for our industry?
  7. Tell me about yourself.
  8. Why do you want to work in (career field)?
  9. Why do you feel you will be successful in this program?
  10. 你最大的优点/缺点是什么?它将如何影响你在工作中的表现 this program?
  11. What are some of the most creative things you have done?
  12. What characteristics do you think are important for this position?
  13. Tell me about your summer internship.
  14. How has your education at University of Dallas prepared you for this position?
  15. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  16. What has been the biggest accomplishment in your life and why?
  17. Why should I hire you?
  1. Give an example of a problem you have solved and the process you used.
  2. 描述一个你与他人发生冲突的情况,以及你是如何处理的 dealt with it.
  3. What idea have you developed and implemented that was
  4. particularly creative or innovative?
  5. 告诉我一个你特别自豪的团队项目和你的贡献.
  6. 什么样的情况会让你感到压力?你是如何应对压力的?
  7. 请给出一个你必须说服别人同意你观点的例子 view.
  8. Describe a time when you added value to an existing work process.
  9. 描述一下你曾经担任过的领导角色,并告诉我你为什么要投入时间 to it.
  10. 考虑一下你过去所担任的职位,你做了什么来履行你的职责 more effective?
  11. 描述一个你面对过的最艰难的竞争情况,以及你是如何处理的 it.
  12. What has been one of your greatest disappointments and how did you respond?
  13. Tell me about a time you failed.
  14. Describe a situation in which you were criticized, and how you responded.
  15. Tell me about a time you went above the call of duty.

STAR Technique 

STAR技术为组织响应提供了一个简明而全面的框架 to behavioral interview questions. Describing specific experiences adds credibility to your responses regarding your qualifications for the opposition. Begin analyzing and identifying themes within the job description. Then reflect on your experiences 找出你展示技能、素质和知识的例子 required for the position. You should draw from classroom, extracurricular, volunteering, and job/internships experiences. Think about what skills you can highlight with each example as well as the questions for which you can use each example. 

SITUATION 描述情景的背景——班级项目、学生组织、志愿者、工作

TASK 描述你的具体角色的任务:目标、要解决的问题、改进等.

ACTION Describe the actions you took - planning, implementation

RESULT Describe the outcomes of your action - impact, influence, change


Situation在我大四的时候,我是一个学生俱乐部的主席,当时我正在写论文, and I was working part-time. I had so much on my plate that I became overwhelmed. Task我意识到我需要真正有条理地去寻求帮助,否则我就会 get burned out. Action我开始做一个详细的日历和任务清单,这样我就能看到我要做的每件事 was due so I would be prepared. And I started delegating some of the club tasks to other officers. I realized that would help me and give them practice for next year after I’ve graduated. Results这些事情帮助我遵守了我的承诺,保持了我的成绩,而且 I made the Dean’s List. Bonus: I learned that you have to address stressful issues before they get out of hand. And I learned it's OK to ask for help.

Questions to ask the Interviewer

Industry Questions

  1. 就产品/服务而言,这个组织在哪些方面是最成功的 over the past several years compared to your competitors?

  2. 在未来两年的增长中,您看到了哪些挑战和机遇? 

  3. What kind of changes do you expect to see over the next two to three years 

Organization Question

  1. 你能谈谈驱动目标设定和战略规划的关键数据吗? 

  2. How would you describe the culture or the organization?

  3. Does your organization encourage its employees to pursue additional education? 

  4. How do you feel my style will complement the team culture?

Position Questions

  1. How is employee performance evaluated during the training period?

  2. As an [position] what kind of projects will I receive? 

  3. What characteristics describe individuals who are successful in this positions? 

  4. What are key deliverables and outcomes that this position must achieve? 

Interview dress

面试时的着装应该让你感到舒适和自信 展示符合职位和组织要求的形象. 商务职业装黑色、灰色和海军蓝两件套西装、连衣裙; slacks are expected with nice shirts/blouses and professional shoes (like heels). 对于商务休闲装来说,漂亮的休闲裤或裤子加上漂亮的纽扣都是可以接受的 down shirt or blouse. Flats, heels, and loafers are advisable. 

Post interview follow-up 

一封感谢信,重申你对该职位和公司的兴趣 be sent within 24 hours of each interview, to each person with whom you spoke. Some 公司和招聘经理并没有预料到这一点,然而,表现出来没什么坏处 your interest in the position in this way. Reference something you discussed during the interview. Take no further action until at least one week beyond the date when they said they would contact you. At that time a phone call to see if a decision has been made is appropriate. 

Thank you note example: 

Practicing Different Types of Interviews


分析性面试评估应聘者分析问题、提问的能力 并提出可能的解决方案,他们专注于确定候选人的想法. 

大多数公司都在寻找三样东西:(1)分析思维;(2)沟通能力 skills, and (3) potential for growth. 

How to succeed in an analytical interview 

  1. Think out loud. Analytical interviews are focused on your thoughts process, so interviewers 想听听你的想法,什么信息对你来说很突出,等等 considerations and assumptions you’re making.
  2. Consider all the information provided. Analyze and understand every component of the question and provided information before fully answering the question.
  3. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. You may not always have every piece of needed information. 一定要问,面试官想知道你会做什么,以及这样是否能收集到更多信息 information that is perfectly acceptable.
  4. Support your answer. Supporting your answer with evidence and your thought process can be more important and telling than you’re actual answer.
  5. Don’t let the question distract you. Sometimes analytical interviews have complex 对于不熟悉的问题,这是为了评估你如何解决一个新问题. 专注于你所知道的,并以此为基础进行构建——这可以包括提出问题!

在招聘过程中,技术面试是很常见的 specific skills, like computer science, data analysis, and software engineering. Broadly 一般来说,大多数技术面试包括:(1)行为描述性面试 (BDI),(2)分析算法/编码部分,(3)预测建模案例 study. 

公司一般都在寻找分析能力强、沟通能力强的人 the potential for growth. 

How to succeed in the technical interview

  1. Focus on the details. Be prepared to talk in detail about the technical skills and knowledge listed on your resume.
  2. Stick to what you know best. Code in the language you’re the most comfortable in, if that’s R, Python or SQL.
  3. Tell–not just show–your work. Demonstrate that you are able to explain your techniques and thought process while working through a coding situation.
  4. Invite collaboration while you work. The interview should be interactive, so talk through what you are thinking. Your interview team does not expect you to get to a 完美的解决方案,并准备帮助你一起解决问题.
  5. Ask clarifying questions. You may need more information and that’s okay!
  6. Don't rush. Take time and even take notes if you feel it’s necessary.

Behavior interviews are the typical interview set up, which we described above. Situational 面试都是类似的,但不是具体的过去的例子,而是在行为上询问 interview, situational interviews mainly focus on theoretical scenarios. For example: 

“How would you handle a project with a tight deadline?” 

“What would you do if you were on the phone with an upset customer?”

These questions allow you to showcase quick thinking and problem solving skills.

How to succeed in the situational interview

  1. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Be honest about how you would handle a situation because it will help the employer (and you!) determine if the job is a good fit for you.
  2. Know what to expect. Practicing beforehand is paramount to ensure you’re successful in these interviews. Contact OPCD and ask for a mock interview. We’ll help curate questions to ensure you’re prepared.
  3. Tell a story. Just like with behavioral interviews, narrative formats are the best way to convey your answers. You can tie in your experience around handling a similar situation when answering the hypothetical scenario presented to you. 

How to use the STAR Method in an situational interview

Recall that STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. 

SITUATION Describe how you view the hypothetical situation. 

TASK Describe what you see as the task for this situation

ACTION Describe the actions you would take - planning, implementation

RESULT 描述你想要达到的结果——影响、影响、改变