General Data Protection Regulation - University Policies - University of Dallas

General Data Protection Regulation - University Policies - University of Dallas

Data Privacy Notice for Students in the E.U.

This Notice describes the practices of University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect to the collection, use, storage, and disclosure (“processing”) of Personal Information of students while at our Rome campus. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters 地址:1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, Texas, 75062,包括我们的附属学院, schools and campuses (collectively “UD,” “us” or “our”). All students studying at 我们的罗马校区(以下简称“你”或“你的”)应该仔细阅读这些规定 of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You
We process the information we collect from you directly, including when you apply to study abroad, during our communications with you, when you sign up for classes or other services, when you take classes, when you apply for financial aid, and when you make use of UD equipment, facilities, and resources. This includes information 由我们的教职员工创建的关于你的信息,比如你的成绩,分数,出勤记录 and participation, and recorded observations about you. It also includes information about your payments made to us for tuition and other expenses.

In some cases, we will require that certain information be provided in order for us to provide you with a service or take an action you request. We will indicate when such information is required, and failure to provide required information may result in our being unable to provide you with a service or take a requested action.

We use automated decision-making processes to process your data in certain contexts. For example, we may automatically evaluate your grades or test scores to determine your eligibility for enrollment in certain programs, receipt of certain honors, or to provide you with offers of academic support. Similarly, the information in your 经济援助申请可以用来生成你的经济状况概况 that is used to make decisions about your eligibility for scholarships, loans, and other financial assistance throughout your enrollment at UD. You can find out more about the logic we use in our automated decision-making processes by contacting the DPO.


- Information we collect from other students or UD staff: Other students may provide us with information about you, whether in the process of reporting an incident or complaint on campus or alerting us to an emergency situation involving you. This information 可以包括你的名字,关于你的行为或活动的信息,以及其他信息 about the situation being reported to us.

  • 有关您以前或同时的教育历史的信息,我们从 其他教育机构(或从我们自己的记录中重新注册) or enrollment for a different degree).
  • Health, wellness, and insurance information about you that we receive from healthcare providers and/or insurance companies.
  • 任何刑事定罪或违法行为,我们从提供 us with such information.

UD maintains video surveillance systems for the security of our premises. UD or our contracted service operator may process images and video of you in connection with the operation of these systems.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

We process your Personal Information to operate UD and the programs you are enrolled in, to provide you with financial aid, and to provide you with additional related services (like housing, internet access, and health services). These uses include to:

  • manage university billing, collecting, refunding and cashiering functions,
  • provide desktop and software support services,
  • administer programs and make decisions about course offerings,
  • facilitate class diversity,
  • monitor trends within our student body and individual courses,
  • verify identity,
  • ensure that the university is prepared for emergencies,
  • enforce UD policies and applicable laws,
  • file required reports with applicable governmental authorities,
  • provide immigration and mobility services for you when you travel abroad to study, and
  • facilitate student directory and promotional activities.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal bases for processing the information you provide us or that we collect about you:

  • 我们有合法的利益来留住和教育合格的学生 with laws and regulations that govern our conduct in the countries where we operate, 并以有效、合乎道德和适当的方式管理大学及其项目. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes.
  • During the period of your enrollment, we may be required to process your Personal Information to complete a contract that you have entered into with us, including to be admitted to a program or receive financial aid, housing, or another service from us.
  • 我们可能会被要求处理您的个人信息以遵守适用的法律 in the European Union or its member states, such as immigration laws.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation), we process this information only where (i) we have your explicit consent to do so, (ii) it is necessary to provide health care services to you, or (iii) we are required to process the information to comply with applicable laws.

When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. If you withdraw your consent, we may still be required to process your Sensitive Personal Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time your consent is withdrawn what processing activities will continue for legal compliance purposes.

最后,我们会将您的个人信息用于其他兼容的目的 with those already described, including for the purposes of conducting scientific, statistical, or historical research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, we do not use identifiable information for these purposes, or we take steps, including making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives. 

Recipients of Your Personal Information

您的个人信息将由我们的员工和工作人员接收和处理。 including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with the purposes of processing described above. For example, we may disclose your information to service providers who help us make travel arrangements, support our information technology systems, or provide services to our students. We share your Personal Information with our service providers only when they have agreed to process your Personal Information only to provide services to us and have agreed to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws that 规范移民、税收、合规报告、国家安全和犯罪活动.

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.

Data Retention

您可以通过咨询了解我们保留个人信息的时间 our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: In some cases, we may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period.

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing,
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.

This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.

对于您的个人信息,您还拥有以下附加权利 processed while a student at our Rome campus:

  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Italian data protection authority:

Data Privacy Notice for  University of Dallas Employees in the European Union

This Notice describes the practices of the University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect 收集、使用、存储和披露(“处理”)个人信息 of employees while at our Rome campus. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters 地址:1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, Texas, 75062,包括我们的附属学院, schools, and campuses (collectively “UD,” “us” or “our”). All employees working at 我们的罗马校区(以下简称“你”或“你的”)应该仔细阅读这些规定 of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You

我们直接处理从您那里收集的信息,无论是在我们的通信过程中 with you, when you apply for employment, when you sign up for employment benefits, or when you make use of UD equipment and systems, facilities, programs, resources, and UD services provided by third-party vendors. This includes information about your employment history with UD, your job performance, compensation and benefits, and your dependents and emergency contacts.

在某些情况下,我们可能需要您提供某些信息以向您提供服务 or benefit. Failure to provide that information may mean we cannot provide you with that service or benefit.

We use automated decision-making processes to process your data in certain contexts. For example, we may automatically evaluate information about your compensation and benefits to withhold taxes or determine your eligibility for employee benefits or other programs. You can find out more about the logic we use in our automated decision-making processes by contacting the DPO.


  • Information about your employment history and education: We collect information about your employment history and education during the application process or when taking an employment action – such as considering you for a promotion or a new position at UD. 我们从你以前的雇主和教育机构那里收集这些信息 you attended.
  • Information about your professional certifications: We collect information about any professional certifications you might have from third parties that provide or verify those certifications.
  • Information about your health: We may collect information about your health from your 医疗保健提供者或您指示我们提供必要信息的其他第三方 accommodations.
  • Information we collect from other employees or students: Other employees or students may provide us with information about you, whether in the process of reporting an incident on campus, alerting us to an emergency situation involving you, or as part of the employment process. This information can include your name, information about your behavior or activities, and other information about the situation being reported to us.
  • Immigration information: The Italian government and consulate may provide us with government identification, immigration information, or other information in order to facilitate travel related to your employment at our Rome campus.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

我们处理您的个人信息是为了管理和管理我们的计划和服务, 管理,管理和评估您在UD的工作,与您沟通 你的就业,并为你提供使用特拉华大学项目、服务和设施的机会. We also use data to make strategic decisions about UD programs or course offerings, 管理这些项目,向相关政府部门提交所需报告, and engage in financial planning. We also use your data for purposes required by law, including complying with application retention requirements, and for the enforcement of UD policies and applicable laws.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal bases for processing the information you provide us or that we collect about you during your employment on our Rome campus:

  • We have a legitimate interest in hiring and retaining qualified employees, complying with laws and regulations that govern our conduct in the countries where we operate, 并以有效、合乎道德和适当的方式管理大学及其项目. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes.
  • We may be required to process your Personal Information to fulfill our obligations 根据雇佣合同或接受某些其他利益的协议.
  • 我们也可能被要求处理您的个人信息以遵守适用的法律 in the European Union or its member states, such as immigration laws.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation, we process information either (i) because 我们征得您的同意,或(ii)因为我们需要处理信息 to comply with applicable laws. When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. If you withdraw your consent, we may still be required to process your Sensitive Personal Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time your consent is withdrawn what processing activities will continue for legal compliance purposes.

最后,我们会将您的个人信息用于其他兼容的目的 with those already described, including for the purposes of conducting scientific, statistical, or historical research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, we do not use identifiable information for these purposes, or we take steps, including making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives.

Recipients of Your Personal Information

Your Personal Information will be received and processed by UD employees, students, and personnel, including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with 上述处理的目的,如工资和福利服务提供商, technology providers that support UD’s systems and infrastructure, and other vendors acting on our behalf. We only share your Personal Information with our service providers when they have agreed to process your Personal Information only to provide services to us and have agreed to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure.

We may also disclose your contact information at UD in staff and faculty directories available to UD students, employees, and the general public. You may request that your information be removed from these directories.

We may provide your information to other universities or entities to facilitate joint activities, including travel, collaborative events, professional affiliations, and research.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws that 规范移民、税收、合规报告、国家安全和犯罪活动.

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.

Data Retention

You can find more information about how long we retain personal data by consulting our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: In some cases, we may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period. 

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing, 
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.
    This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.

对于您的个人信息,您还拥有以下附加权利 processed while you are employed on our Rome campus:

  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Italian data protection authority:

Data Privacy Notice for University of Dallas Prospective Students and Their Families in the European Union

This Notice describes the practices of the University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect 收集、使用、存储和披露(“处理”)个人信息 covered by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation for purposes of 招收和评估未来的学生,并处理入学申请. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters at 1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, 德克萨斯州75062,以及其附属学院,学校和校园(集体) “UD,” “us” or “our”) with respect to prospective students and their families located in the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. All such prospective students and their families (referred to below as “you” or “your”) should carefully read the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You

我们直接处理从您那里收集的信息,无论是在我们的通信过程中 with you about UD or as part of your application to UD, including applications for financial aid. In addition to submitting an application directly to us, you may submit an application through the Common Application or via other third party sites through which UD collects prospective student applications or financial aid information.

在申请过程中,当需要某些信息时,我们会提示 in order for UD to process your application. Failure to complete a required field may result in your application being denied or your ineligibility for financial aid.

We use automated decision making processes to screen applicants for financial aid according to predetermined criteria. For example, the information in your financial aid application may be used to generate a profile of your financial circumstances that is used to make decisions about your eligibility for scholarships, loans, and other financial assistance. You can find out more about the logic we use in our automated decision-making processes by contacting the DPO.


  • Your contact and demographic information, including publically available information, 我们从向我们提供未来学生信息的第三方收集哪些信息 who may be interested in attending UD. We also collect this contact information from students about their parents and family members.
  • 任何刑事定罪或违法行为,我们从提供 us with such information.
  • Specific personal background and health details, which we collect from third parties.
  • 您以前的教育历史信息,我们从其他教育机构收集 institutions (or from our own records in the event of a re-enrollment or enrollment for a different degree).

UD maintains video surveillance systems for the security of our premises. UD or our contracted service operator may process images and video of you in connection with the operation of these systems.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

我们处理您的个人信息是为了招募未来的学生,评估申请 for admission to UD, evaluate your eligibility for financial aid, communicate with 关于特拉华大学和你的申请,如果你被特拉华大学录取,我们会给你奖励 aid and to enroll you in UD programs if you choose to attend. We also use this data to:

  • administer programs and make decisions about course offerings,
  • file required reports with applicable governmental authorities,
  • facilitate class diversity,
  • 管理我们的项目,并提供适当的量身定制的服务,包括学生 health services, financial aid, and research and reporting activities,
  • monitor trends within incoming classes,
  • report application and admission statistics to appropriate publications,
    plan course offerings,
  • verify identity,
  • ensure that the university is prepared for emergencies, and
    enforce UD policies and applicable laws.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal basis for processing the information you provide us in your application or that we collect about you during the application process:

  • 我们在招聘和录取合格的申请人方面有合法的利益 with laws and regulations that govern our conduct in the countries where we operate, 并以有效、合乎道德和适当的方式管理大学及其项目. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes..
  • 一旦你接受了我们的录取通知书,我们也可能需要处理 your Personal Information to complete a contract that you have entered into with us, including to be admitted to a program, or receive financial aid, housing, or another service from us. 

您可以获取有关我们为遵守适用规定而进行的处理的其他信息 laws by contacting the DPO.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation), we process information because we have your consent to do so. When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. 如果您撤回同意,我们可能仍需处理您的敏感个人信息 Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time 为符合法律规定,您的同意将被撤销 purposes.

最后,我们会将您的个人信息用于其他兼容的目的 with those already described, including for the purposes of conducting scientific, statistical, or historical research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, we do not use identifiable information for these purposes, or we take steps, including making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives.

Recipients of Your Personal Information

您的个人信息将由我们的员工和工作人员接收和处理。 including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with the purposes of processing described above, including third-parties that provide us with technical 支持申请流程,并为我们提供申请收集服务. We share your Personal Information with our service providers only when they have agreed to process your Personal Information only to provide services to us and have 同意保护您的个人信息不受未经授权的使用、访问或披露. We provide Personal Information to research partners, printers and mailing houses, college board members, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws that 规范移民、税收、合规报告、国家安全和犯罪活动.

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.

Data Retention

您可以通过咨询了解我们保留个人信息的时间 our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: In some cases, we may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period. 

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing,
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.

This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.


  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • 向意大利监管机构或监管机构提出投诉的权利 你生活或工作的国家的权威或你认为你的权利 have been violated:

A full list of supervisory authority contacts for E.U. countries is available here:

Data Privacy Notice for University of Dallas Prospective Employees in the European Union

This Notice describes the practices of the University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect 收集、使用、存储和披露(“处理”)个人信息 covered by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation for purposes of 招聘和评估潜在员工,处理就业申请. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters at 1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, 德克萨斯州75062,以及其附属学院,学校和校园(集体) “UD,” “us” or “our”) solely with respect to prospective employees of UD’s Rome Campus. 所有这些潜在的雇员(以下简称“你”或“你的”)都应该小心 read the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You

我们直接处理从您那里收集的信息,无论是在我们的通信过程中 with you about UD or as part of your application for employment at UD.

在申请过程中,当需要某些信息时,我们会提示 in order for UD to process your application. Failure to complete a required field may result in your application being denied or your offer of employment rescinded.


  • Your contact and demographic information, including publically available information, 我们从向我们提供未来员工信息的第三方收集哪些信息 who may be interested in working at UD.
  • 任何刑事定罪或违法行为,有关您的信用信息和其他信息 关于你以前的工作和教育,我们会收集这些作为背景资料的一部分 check process (where permitted by applicable law) from government records, credit reporting companies, your previous employers, and other academic institutions.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

我们处理您的个人信息是为了招聘潜在员工、评估申请 for employment at UD, evaluate your eligibility for employment, communicate with you about UD and your application, and, if you are offered a position at UD, to manage your acceptance of our offer of employment and begin the process of onboarding you as a new employee. We also use data to make strategic decisions about UD programs or course offerings, administer those programs, file required reports with applicable governmental authorities, and engage in financial planning. We also use your data 出于法律要求的目的,包括遵守应用程序保留要求, and for the enforcement of UD policies and applicable laws.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal basis for processing the information you provide us in your application or that we collect about you during the application process.

  • 我们在招聘和雇用合格的申请人方面有合法的利益 遵守意大利的法律法规,并以高效, ethical, and appropriate manner. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes.
  • Once you have accepted an offer of employment from us, we may also be required to process your Personal Information to complete a contract that you have entered into with us, including a contract of employment or an agreement to receive certain other benefits.
  • 我们也可能被要求处理您的个人信息以遵守适用的法律 in the European Union or its member states, such as tax laws.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation), we process information either (i) because 我们征得您的同意,或(ii)因为我们需要处理信息 to comply with applicable laws. When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. If you withdraw your consent, we may still be required to process your Sensitive Personal Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time your consent is withdrawn what processing activities will continue for legal compliance purposes.

最后,我们处理您的个人信息的目的与上述目的一致 描述的,包括用于进行科学、统计或历史目的的 research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, 我们不会将可识别信息用于这些目的,或者我们会采取措施,包括 making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives.

Recipients of Your Personal Information

您的个人信息将由我们的员工和工作人员接收和处理。 including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with the purposes 以上所述的处理,包括背景检查提供者、服务提供者 that support our application software and other programs, and service providers that support our human resources and hiring functions. We share your Personal Information 只有当我们的服务提供商同意处理您的个人信息时,我们才与他们进行沟通 only to provide services to us and have agreed to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure. We provide Personal Information to printers and mailing houses, professional organizations, and third party organizations who assist in verifying your credentials.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws that regulate immigration, tax, national security, and criminal activity.

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.

Data Retention

You can find more information about how long we retain personal data by consulting our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: We may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period.

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing,
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.

This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.


  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • 向意大利数据保护局或监管机构提出投诉的权利 你生活或工作的国家的权威或你认为你的权利 have been violated:

A full list of supervisory authority contacts for E.U. countries is available here:

Data Privacy Notice for University of Dallas Vendors in the European Union

This Notice describes the practices of the University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect 收集、使用、存储和披露(“处理”)个人信息 covered by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation for purposes of evaluating prospective vendors and managing our vendor relationships. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters at 1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, Texas 75062, including our affiliated colleges, schools, and campuses (collectively “UD,” “us” (或“我们的”)在处理供应商的个人信息方面 of UD’s Rome Campus. All such vendors or prospective vendors (referred to below as “you” or “your”) should carefully read the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You

我们直接处理从您那里收集的信息,无论是在我们的通信过程中 with you about UD, as part of the vendor selection and contracting process, or as part of your response to our request for information about your goods or services.

Throughout our relationship with you, certain information may be required in order for us to fulfill the terms of our contract with you or take an action you request. 未能提供所需信息可能导致您的关系终止 with UD or inability to take an action you request.


  • 您的云顶集团、人口统计信息、推荐信和其他公开信息, 我们从向我们提供潜在供应商信息的第三方收集哪些信息 who may be interested in working with UD.
  • 任何刑事定罪或犯罪,特别指定的国民身份,信息 关于你的信用,以及你以前的工作和教育的其他信息, which we collect as part of a background check process (where permitted by applicable law) from government records, credit reporting companies, your previous employers, and other academic institutions.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

We process your Personal Information to recruit prospective vendors, evaluate vendors interested in working with UD, communicate with you about UD and your contract status 与我们合作,如果我们决定与你合作,管理采购流程,上船 you as a new vendor, and manage your business dealings with UD. We also use data about you to make strategic decisions about UD programs, administer those programs, file required reports with applicable governmental authorities, and engage in financial planning. We also use your data for purposes required by law, including complying with application retention requirements, and for the enforcement of UD policies and applicable laws.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal basis for processing the information you provide us in your application or that we collect about you during the application process.

  • 我们有合法的利益来招募和保留合格的供应商,遵守 with laws and regulations that govern our conduct in the countries where we operate, 并以有效、合乎道德和适当的方式管理大学及其项目. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes.
  • We may also be required to process your Personal Information to complete a contract 您已与我们达成的协议,包括向您提供合同付款, 履行我们对您的合同义务,或确保您遵守合同 obligations.
  • 我们也可能被要求处理您的个人信息,以符合适用的要求 Italian laws, such as tax laws.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation), we process information either (i) because 我们征得您的同意,或(ii)因为我们需要处理信息 to comply with applicable laws. When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. If you withdraw your consent, we may still be required to process your Sensitive Personal Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time your consent is withdrawn what processing activities will continue for legal compliance purposes.

最后,我们会将您的个人信息用于其他兼容的目的 with those already described, including for the purposes of conducting scientific, statistical, or historical research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, we do not use identifiable information for these purposes, or we take steps, including making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives.

Recipients of Your Personal Information 

您的个人信息将由我们的员工和工作人员接收和处理。 including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with the purposes of processing described above. We share your Personal Information with our service providers only when they have agreed to process your Personal Information only to 向我们提供服务,并同意保护您的个人信息免受未经授权的侵害 use, access, or disclosure. You may contact the DPO to learn more about the categories of service providers to whom your data is disclosed.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws the regulate immigration, tax, national security, and criminal activity. 

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.

Data Retention

You can find more information about how long we retain personal data by consulting our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: In some cases, we may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period. 

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing,
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.

This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.


  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • 向意大利监管机构或监管机构提出投诉的权利 你生活或工作的国家的权威或你认为你的权利 have been violated:

A full list of supervisory authority contacts for E.U. countries is available here:

云顶集团欧洲分校校友及其他朋友资料私隐通告 Union

This Notice describes the practices of the University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect 收集、使用、存储和披露(“处理”)个人信息 covered by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation about alumni and other friends of UD. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters at 1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, Texas 75062, including our affiliated colleges, schools, and campuses (collectively “UD,” “us” or “our”). All alumni and other friends of UD in the E.U. (referred to below as “you” or “your”) should carefully read the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You

Alumni and other friends of UD are important sources of financial support for UD and its activities around the world. Friends of UD include former employees, faculty, 学生和教师的家庭,其他捐助者和他们的家庭,潜在的捐助者 and their families, and others who have expressed an interest in supporting UD or in participating or engaging in University-sponsored activities.

我们直接处理从您那里收集的信息,包括在我们的通信过程中 with you; during your enrollment, employment, participation in student or alumni activities or programs, or other association with UD; when you attend one of our events, and when you request services from UD.

In some cases, we will require that certain information be provided in order for UD to provide you with a service or take an action that you request. We will indicate 当要求提供此类信息时,以及未能提供所需或强制性信息时 may result in our being unable to provide you with a service or take an action you request.

We use automated decision-making processes to process your data in certain contexts. For example, we may automatically evaluate your history of giving to UD and create a profile of your giving activities, which we will use to make decisions about how to contact you about supporting UD. You can find out more about the logic we use in our automated decision-making processes by contacting the DPO.


  • 我们从其他UD人员或学生那里收集的信息:我们可能会收集信息 about you from other persons affiliated with UD. For example, we collect contact information for our students’ parents and family members from our students.
  • Information we receive about you from journals, research publications, professional 组织或其他发布或呈现学术内容的平台.
  • 来自公开来源的信息,比如你的公开社交媒体资料 (e.g., LinkedIn), and public directories that include your professional and contact information.
  • Demographic Information: We may share information we have about you with third-party service providers who use other information they have about you to provide us with demographic information.
  • 有关您以前或同时的教育历史的信息,我们从 other educational institutions (or retrieve from our own records).

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

We process your Personal Information to operate UD and its programs, to provide you 有校友支持和相关服务(如就业安排、电子邮件、聚会策划、 以及成绩单),并与您联系,为您提供服务并请求财务支持 for the University. We also use this data to:

  • file required reports with applicable governmental authorities,
  • administer our programs and provide appropriately tailored services,
  • monitor trends within our fundraising activities,
  • verify your identity,
  • ensure that the university is prepared for emergencies,
  • enforce UD policies and applicable laws,
  • manage university billing, collecting, refunding and cashiering functions,
  • facilitate internal research,
  • coordinate events such as conferences and professional development, and
  • facilitate alumni directories and other promotional activities.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal basis for processing the information you provide us or that we collect about you:

  • 我们有合法的利益来支持我们的校友和特拉华大学的其他朋友 with laws and regulations that govern our conduct in the countries where we operate, 筹集资金支持特拉华大学的使命和项目,管理特拉华大学及其项目 in an efficient, ethical, and appropriate manner. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes.
  • We may also be required to process your Personal Information to complete a contract 您与我们签订的协议,包括接受服务或收取质押 funds.
  • 我们也可能被要求处理您的个人信息以遵守适用的法律 in the European Union or its member states, such as tax laws.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation), we process information either (i) because 我们征得您的同意,或(ii)因为我们需要处理信息 to comply with applicable laws. When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. If you withdraw your consent, we may still be required to process your Sensitive Personal Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time your consent is withdrawn what processing activities will continue for legal compliance purposes.

最后,我们会将您的个人信息用于其他兼容的目的 with those already described, including for the purposes of conducting scientific, statistical, or historical research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, we do not use identifiable information for these purposes, or we take steps, including making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives.

Recipients of Your Personal Information

您的个人信息将由UD的员工和工作人员接收和处理 (including our volunteers), including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with the purposes of processing described above. For example, we may disclose 您的信息提供给提供校园安全保障的服务提供商,支持我们的信息 technology systems, or coordinate and provide alumni or public events and services. We share your Personal Information with our service providers only when they have agreed to process your Personal Information only to provide services to us and have 同意保护您的个人信息不受未经授权的使用、访问或披露.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws that regulate immigration, tax, national security, and criminal activity.

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.

Data Retention

You can find more information about how long we retain personal data by consulting our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: In some cases, we may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period.

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing,
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.

This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.


  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • 向意大利监管机构或监管机构提出投诉的权利 在你生活或工作的国家或你相信你的权利的国家的权威 have been violated:

A full list of supervisory authority contacts for E.U. countries is available here:


Data Privacy Notice for Visitors to University of Dallas in the European Union

This Notice describes the practices of University of Dallas (“UD”) with respect to the collection, use, storage, and disclosure (“processing”) of Personal Information covered by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation about visitors to UD’s Rome Campus. This Notice applies to UD, with headquarters at 1845 East Northgate 驱动器,欧文,得克萨斯州75062,以及其附属学院,学校和校园 (collectively “UD,” “us” or “our”). All visitors to UD’s Rome Campus (referred to below as “you” or “your”) should carefully read the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

“Personal Information,” as used in this Notice, means any information that can be used to identify you, whether directly or indirectly, including by reference to an 标识符,如名称、标识号、位置数据、在线标识符 or to one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This general notice may be supplemented by additional notices at the point of any data collection. This notice is intended for casual visitors who have no formal relationship with UD. If the nature of your relationship with UD changes, a different data privacy notice may apply and will be provided to you. If you have specific questions about any of the data processing activities described in this or any other notice, please contact the DPO.

The Information We Process About You

我们直接处理从您那里收集的信息,包括在我们的通信过程中 with you, to confirm your identity when you access a UD service or facility, when you RSVP for or attend one of our events, and when you request services from UD.

UD maintains video surveillance systems for the security of our premises. UD or our contracted service operator may process images and video of you in connection with the operation of these systems.

In some cases, we will require that certain information be provided in order for UD to provide you with a requested service or take an action you request. We will indicate 当要求提供此类信息时,以及未能提供所需或强制性信息时 may result in our being unable to provide you with a service or take an action you request.

We use automated decision-making processes to process your data in certain contexts. 例如,我们可能会自动将您的姓名与不允许的名单进行核对 entrance to UD facilities.


  • Information from UD personnel or students: We may receive information about you from UD personnel or students, including your name, contact information, relationship to UD personnel or students, and the reason for your visit.
  • Information we receive about you from journals, research publications, professional 组织或其他发布或呈现学术内容的平台.
  • 来自公开来源的信息,比如你的公开社交媒体资料 (e.g., LinkedIn), and public directories that include your professional and contact information.
  • Information from UD affiliates or partners for the purpose of providing you access to a UD program or service. 

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

We process your Personal Information to operate UD and its programs, to provide you with access to our facilities, to provide you with the services you request, and to manage our events.

We combine the data that we collect in order to provide these functions.

We have the following legal basis for processing the information you provide us or that we collect about you.

  • We have a legitimate interest in ensuring the safety of UD students, faculty, and 员工必须遵守所在国的法律法规 where we operate, and administering UD and its programs in an efficient, ethical, and appropriate manner. We process all the information we collect from or about you to meet these purposes.
  • We may also be required to process your Personal Information to complete a contract 您已与我们签订的合同,包括使用UD设施的合同 for an event or to receive a service from UD.
  • 我们也可能被要求处理您的个人信息以遵守适用的法律 in the European Union or its member states, such as immigration laws.

在涉及敏感个人信息的情况下(包括(i)信息泄露 racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; (ii) genetic and biometric data, and (iii) data concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation), we process information either (i) because 我们征得您的同意,或(ii)因为我们需要处理信息 to comply with applicable laws. When we process your Sensitive Personal Information on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the DPO. If you withdraw your consent, we may still be required to process your Sensitive Personal Information to comply with applicable law, but we will explain to you at the time your consent is withdrawn what processing activities will continue for legal compliance purposes.

最后,我们会将您的个人信息用于其他兼容的目的 with those already described, including for the purposes of conducting scientific, statistical, or historical research or for the purpose of creating archives in the public interest. Where possible, we do not use identifiable information for these purposes, or we take steps, including making use of pseudonymous data, to limit the amount of Personal Information we use in our research or archives. 

Recipients of Your Personal Information

您的个人信息将由我们的员工和工作人员接收和处理。 including third parties who provide services to UD in connection with the purposes of processing described above. For example, we may disclose your information to service providers who provide campus security, support our information technology systems, or coordinate and provide public events and services. We share your Personal Information 只有当我们的服务提供商同意处理您的个人信息时,我们才与他们进行沟通 only to provide services to us and have agreed to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure.

We also disclose your information to government authorities as required by laws that regulate immigration, tax, national security, and criminal activity. 

Transfers to Third Countries

UD是一所总部设在美国的国际大学,我们可以转学 your Personal Information to the United States. UD has executed Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission. These clauses permit UD to transfer Personal Information from the EU to third countries, including the United States. If you would like to receive a copy of UD’s Standard Contractual Clauses, you can contact the DPO.  

Data Retention

You can find more information about how long we retain personal data by consulting our Retention and Disposal Policy, available here: In some cases, we may be required by law to retain your information for a longer period.  

Your Rights

You have the right to the following information regarding UD’s processing of your Personal Information:

  • the purposes of the processing,
  • the categories of Personal Information concerned,
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the Personal Information have been or will be disclosed,
  • 在可能的情况下,个人信息将被存储的预期期限; or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.
  • This Privacy Statement is intended to provide this information. Any questions about these details may be directed to the DPO.


  • The right to request access to the Personal Information that UD has about you, as 以及要求更正任何不准确或不完整的数据的权利.
  • The right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format so that you can transmit the data to third parties, or to request that UD directly transfer your Personal Information to one or more third parties.
  • The right to object to the processing of your Personal Information for marketing and other purposes.
  • The right to erasure of your Personal Information when it is no longer needed for 您提供数据的目的,以及限制处理的权利 在不可删除的情况下,将您的个人信息用于某些有限的目的.
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Italian data protection authority: